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10.4c Issue Voting

Often important issues form a litmus test for voting choice. The voters take into consideration the candidates stand on crucial issues like abortion and immigration reform. If this coincides with their own stand, voters are more likely to vote for that candidate. But when two candidates hold the same stance on a particular important issue the voter may find it difficult to choose the right one. Often religion can also become a crucial issue. For example, Kennedy lost a higher number of Southern white Protestant votes than is normal for a Democratic Presidential candidate.

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Exhibit 10.3
Voting Choices

10.4d Alternative to voting

During the 1950s and early 1960s, most African Americans used political protests since they could not vote. Thus people marched in large numbers to Washington in a demonstration for civil rights, which moved President Kennedy to take action against racial bigotry. Another alternative to voting is civil disobedience or nonviolent action. For example, sit-ins at restaurants refusing to serve African Americans or the burning of draft cards by young men indicated public opinion. Similarly, political violence as an alternative for the expression of opinion, has been observed as a recent trend.

"How does he stand on reciprocal trade agreements? That’s what I want to know."

Exhibit 10.4
Getting Nominated and Campaigning



10.0 - Introduction
10.1 The Expansion of Suffrage
10.2 Obstacles to Voting
10.3 Voter Turnout
10.4 Voting Choices
10.5 Getting Nominated and Compaigning for Office
10.6 Electing Candidates to Office

Chapter 11

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