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Chapter 1 : The Constitution

1.   Explain the following concepts:
     a) Constitution
     b) Representative Democracy
     c) Republic

2.   Write short notes on the following:
     a) First Continental Congress
     b) Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
     c) New Jersey Plan
     b) Great Compromise.

3.   Answer the following in brief:
     a) Discuss the Bill of Rights 1791
     b) What did the first four Articles of the Constitution deal with?
     c) Enumerate the six basic principles of the Constitution.

Chapter 2 : Federalism

1.   Explain the following concepts:
     a) Federation
     b) Confederation
     c) Unitary Government

2.   Write short notes on:
     a) Dual Federalism
     b) Co-operative federalism
     c) Conditional grants

3.   Answer the following briefly:
     a) Discuss the role of Congress in the federal union.
     b) What is the impact of funding policies in a federation?
     c) Enumerate the recent trends in federalism.

Chapter 3 : Congress

1.   Explain the following concepts:
     a) Gerrymandering
     b) Caucus
     c) Filibustering
     d) Pocket Veto

2.   Write short notes on:
     a) Standing Committees
     b) Conference Committees
     c) Joint Committees

3.   Answer the following questions in brief:
     a) Discuss the different categories of Congress members.
     b) Write a note on Leadership in the House.
     c) What are the factors that influence voting decisions?

Chapter 4 : The President

1.   Explain the following concepts:
     a) Presidential government
     b) Inherent powers
     c) Veto power

2.   Write short notes on:
     a) Treaty Powers of the president.
     b) The President as a diplomat
     c) The White House Office
     d) The National Security Office

3.   Answer the following questions in brief:
     a) Discuss the role of the President as legislator.
     b) How does the President work as a party leader?
     c) Describe the Executive Office of the President.
     d) Discuss the process of Presidential Succession.

Chapter 5 : The Judiciary

1.   Explain the following concepts:
     a) Defendant
     b) Plaintiff
     c) Plea bargain.
     d) Appellate Jurisdiction.
     e) Original Jurisdiction.

2.   Write short notes on:
     a) State Appellate Courts
     b) The election of State Judges
     c) The Appointment of Federal Judges

3.   Answer the following questions in brief:
     a) Explain the State Court System.
     b) Discuss the manner in which a case is dealt with before the Court.
     c) Describe the courts of Appeal and their functions.

Chapter 6 : The Bureaucracy

1.   Explain the following concepts:
     a) Spoils system
     b) Welfare state
     c) Whistle blower

2.   Write short notes on:
     a) National Security Bureaucracy
     b) The Power of the Budget
     c) Independent agencies
     d) Government Corporations

3.   Answer the following questions briefly.
     a) Discuss the characteristics of a bureaucracy.
     b) Describe the nature of the Civil Service.
     c) What are the functions of the Federal Bureaucracy?

Chapter 7 : Public Opinion

1. Explain the following concepts:
     a) Universe
     b) Straw votes
     c) Quota sampling
     d) Exit polls
     e) Gender gap
     f) Gridlock
     g) Political Ideology

2.   Write short notes on:
     a) Peer Groups
     b) Mass Media
     c) Schemas

3.   Answer the following in brief:
     a) How does effective leadership help the formation of public opinion?
     b) Discuss the political ideology of the liberals and the Conservatives.
     c) How do income and education influence one’s political values?

Chapter 8 : Mass Media

1.  Explain the following concepts:
     a) Print media
     b) Broadcast media
     c) Yellow journalism
     d) Muckraking
     c) Leaks

2.  Write short notes on:
     a) Public Opinion
     b) Political agenda
     c) Government watchdog
     d) Socialization

3.  Answer the following in brief:
     a) How does the mass media act as a link between the government and the people?
     b) Discuss the relation between the media and presidential elections
     c) Discuss the evolution of radio and television, as organs of the mass media?

Chapter 9 : Political Parties

1.   Explain the following concepts:
     a) Bipartisan issues
     b) Non-partisan issues
     c) Party slate

2.   Write short notes on:
     a) Strengths and Weaknesses of political parties
     b) The national convention
     c) Jacksonian Democrats and the Whigs

3.   Answer briefly:
     a) Discuss the reasons for the failure of the third parties in American politics.
     b) Explain the development of third parties in American politics.
     c) Describe the New Deal coalition and the Republican resurgence.

Chapter 10 : Voting and Elections

1.  Explain the following concepts:
     a) Electorate
     b) Absentee Ballot
     c) Recall
     d) Referendum
     e) Closed Primary

2.   Write short notes on:
     a) Poll taxes
     b) Literacy tests
     c) Grand Father clause
     d) Alternatives to voting

3.   Answer the following question in brief:
     a) Discuss the three great struggles over the right to vote.
     b) Explain the process of registration.
     c) Describe the political campaigns.
     d) Explain the voting choices open to the electorate.

Chapter 11 : Interest Groups

1. Explain the following concepts:
     a) Interest group
     b) Single-issue group
     c) Free-rider problem

2. Write short notes on:
     a) Economic Interest groups
     b) Public Interest groups
     c) Civil Rights Interest groups
     d) Political Action Committees

3. Answer the following questions in brief
     a) Discuss lobbying as one of the tactics of interest groups.
     b) Explain the process of litigation.
     c) Discuss the controls established to regulate lobbying.

Chapter 12 : Civil Liberties

1. Explain the following concepts:
     a) Civil liberties
     b) Symbolic speech
     c) Exclusionary rule

2.  Write Short notes on:
     a) Free exercise of religion
     b) Public Speech
     c) The Sixth Amendment

3.  Answer the following questions in brief:
     a) Discuss the impact of the Fourteenth Amendment.
     b) Discuss the protection extended to an individual under the Fifth Amendment.
     c) Explain the First Amendment with reference to Political Speech.

Chapter 13 : Civil Rights

1.  Explain the following concepts:
     a) Jim Crow laws
     b) Civil disobedience
     c) De jure segregation

2.  Write short notes on:
     a) The Compromise of 1850
     b) The Dred Scott decision
     c) The Act of 1964

3. Answer the following in brief:
     a) Discuss the case of Brown versus Board of Education.
     b) Describe the Civil disobedience movement.
     c) Explain the ’separate but equal doctrine.’

Chapter 14 : Public Policy

1.  Explain the following concepts:
     a) Formulation
     b) Implementation
     c) Pork barrel legislation
     d) Logrolling

2.  Write short notes on:
     a) Agenda building
     b) Evaluation and termination
     c) Social Security

3.  Answer in brief:
     a) Discuss Regulatory Policy.
     b) Explain Social Welfare policy.
     c) Describe the Warren Poverty.

Chapter 15 :  Economic Policy

1.  Explain the following concepts:
     a) Laissez - faire
     b) Protective tariff
     c) Progressive taxes
     d) Regressive taxes

2.  Write short notes on:
     a) Congressional Budget Office
     b) Spending tax revenue
     c) Economic growth

3. Answer the following in brief:
     a) Explain the Keynesian Economic theory.
     b) Describe the preparation of the budget.
     c) Explain International Economic Policy.

Chapter 16 : Foreign Policy

1.  Explain the following concepts:
     a) Policy of containment
     b) Domino Theory
     c) Executive agreements

2.  Write short notes on:
     a) The President and Foreign Policy
     b) National Security Council
     c) Central Intelligence Agency

3. Answer the following briefly:
     a) Discuss the Spanish-American War and its aftermath.
     b) Explain the role of Congress with regard to foreign
     c) Describe the Department of Defense.

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Chapter 1

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