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i.e. he gave 4 notes of Rs. 100, 8 notes of Rs. 50 and 12 notes of Rs. 20.

Example Jane has $ 9.60 in coins. If she has 20 more nickels than dimes and 8 times as many quarters as dimes, how many coins of each type does she have ?

Solution : Let the number of dimes Jane has in $ 9.60 be x. Then she has (x + 20 ) nickels and 8 x quarters. Setting the data in the table as :

Image table

Thus we have

.10 x + 0.05 (x + 20) + 0.25 (8 x) = 9. 60

Multiplying by 100 throughout

10 x + 5 (x + 20 ) + 25 (8 x) = 960

10 x + 5 x +100 + 200 x = 960

215 x = 960 - 100

215 x = 860

x = 4

So there are 4 dimes, 24 nickels and 32 quarters.


Example George staged a drama for the building fund of his school. He collected $11375 through the sale of tickets of $ 25 and $ 15 each. The total number of tickets sold was 595. Find the number of tickets of each type.

Solution : Let x be the number of tickets of $ 25 each. Hence they must have sold (595 - x) tickets of $ 15 each.

Total amount collected is $ 11375

\ 25 (x) + 15 (595 - x) = 11375

25 x + 8925 - 15 x = 11375

10 x = 11375 - 8925

10 x = 2450

x = 245

i.e. they sold 245 tickets of $ 25 and 595 - 245 = 350 tickets of $ 15 each.

[next page]


9.1 - Definition and Solving Techniques
9.2 - Use of Simultaneous Linear Equations

Chapter 1

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