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Example A pharmaceutical dealer has 200 gms. of insecticide of 30% concentration. He adds to it some quantity of 5% concentrated insecticide and obtains a mixture of 10% concentration. What quantity of 5% concentration did he add ?

Solution : You are looking for the quantity of 5% concentration of insecticide he added.

Let it be x gms.

Solution- I + Solution - II = Mixture

Weight of solution

200 gms

x gms

(200 + x) gms

% of solute

30 % +

5 %

= 10 %

Weight of solute

Thus, we have set up an equation as

6000 + 5 x = 2000 + 10 x

6000 - 2000 = 10 x - 5 x

4000 = 5 x

800 = x

Therefore the weight of insecticide of 5% concentration was 800 gms.

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9.1 - Definition and Solving Techniques
9.2 - Use of Simultaneous Linear Equations

Chapter 1

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