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General equation of a straight line

Every first degree equation in x of the form ax + by + c = 0, always represents a straight line.

(i) the slope (m) of a straight line =

(ii) x-intercept =

(iii) y - intercept =

Note :

Equation of the x-axis is y = 0

Equation of any horizontal line ( a line parallel to x-axis ) is
y = b, b Î R

Equation of the y-axis is x = 0

Equation of any vertical line (a line parallel to y-axis) is x = a ,
a Î R

Example    Find the slope and intercepts made by the line
2x + 5y - 10 = 0 on the coordinate axes.

Solution :    ax + by + c º 2x + 5y - 10 = 0

\ a = 2, b = 5 and c = -10

Slope (m) =

x-intercept =

Or Put y = 0 in 2x + 5y - 10 = 0, then 2x = 10

\ x = 5

y-intercept =

Or Put x = 0 in 2x + 5y - 10 = 0, then 5y = 10

\ y = 2

Example Point P (a, 2) lies on the graph of x - 4 = 0. Find a.

Solution : Since point p (a, 2) lies on the graph of x - 4 = 0, its co-ordinates satisfy

x - 4 = 0, its co-ordinates satisfy x - 4 = 0

i.e. putting x = a we get a - 4 = 0 \ a = 4


8.1 Definition
8.2 Relations, Graphs and Symmetry
8.3 Slopes and Intercepts

Chapter 9

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