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We now study a special type of function 

Consider  1. f ( x ) = 7x3 - 4x2 + 3x - 1

2. f ( x ) = ½ x + 5/2 x + 1

3. f ( y ) = 4y2 + Ö3y - 1

4. f ( y ) = y½ - 4y2 + y + 3

5. f ( z ) = z-2 + 5z + 1

Observations: i) Indices of x and y in (1), (2) and (3) are positive integers or Zero.

ii) Indices of y and z in (4) and (5) are negative and fraction.

First three expressions or functions are polynomials whereas forth and fifth are not polynomials.

At this stage, we restrict our study of polynomials as a special type of 

function whose domain is a set of reals.


Ifare real numbers and n is zero and positive integer then the function P is given by  is called a " polynomial in x over reals " .

Note :(I)     are called coefficients.

(II) There are ( n + 1 ) terms in (1) 

(III) If    then (1) becomes which is a constant. Such polynomials are called constant polynomials.

For examples, p ( x ) = 5, p ( x ) = 3/2 etc.

(IV) If all coefficients including a constant are zero. Then the polynomial is called ‘ zero ’ polynomial. A polynomial with only one term is a monomial.

A polynomial with two terms is a binomial.

A polynomial with three terms is a trinomial.

(V) Usually polynomial is written in descending order of its powers of variable say x. ( standard form ).

(VI) The degree of a polynomial is the exponent in the term with the highest power.

For example, x5 + 7x3 - 3x + 2 has degree 5.

2x4 + 3x3 - 3 has degree 3.

3m2 + 4m - 1 has degree 2.

x - 2 has degree 1

Now consider a constant polynomial p ( x ) = 7 = 7x0 whose degree is ‘ 0 ’.
We do not define the degree of 0 i.e. zero polynomial.


3.1 - Introduction
3.2 - Monomial, Polynomials
3.3 - H.C.F and L.C.M

Chapter 4

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