Fractions whose denominators are 10,100,1000, .... are called decimal fractions.
The absence of the denominator is indicated by a dot, called the decimal point, inserted in the proper place.
For example
is written as 0.17.
Decimal System
Consider 777. ; each 7 has value 10 times more than the next 7 to its right. After each unit digit if we put the decimal point and continue the same number 7 to the right, we get 777.7, 777.77, 777.777 … etc. Still each 7 will be 10 times the value of next 7 to its right. The place after the decimal point is the 10th place, then 100th place and so on so forth. This is the "decimal system".
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1.1 Pre-requisties
1.2 Common Mathematical Symbols
1.3 Some Properties of Basic Mathematical Operations
1.4 Real Numbers
Chapter 2