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TRINCULO I have been in such a pickle since I saw you last that, I fear me, will never out of my bones. I shall not fear fly-blowing.

SEBASTIAN Why, how now, Stephano! STEPHANO O, touch me not; I am not Stephano, but a cramp. PROSPERO You’d be king o’ the isle, sirrah? STEPHANO I should have been a sore one, then.


[Pointing to CALIBAN] This is as strange a thing as e’er I look’d on. PROSPERO He is as disproportioned in his manners As in his shape. Go, sirrah, to my cell; Take with you your companions; as you look To have my pardon, trim it handsomely.

CALIBAN Ay, that I will; and I’ll be wise hereafter, And seek for grace. What a thrice-double ass Was I to take this drunkard for a god, And worship this dull fool!

PROSPERO Go to; away! ALONSO Hence, and bestow your luggage where you found it. SEBASTIAN Or stole it, rather.

Exeunt CALIBAN, STEPHANO, and TRINCULO PROSPERO Sir, I invite your Highness and your train To my poor cell, where you shall take your rest For this one night; which, part of it, I’ll waste With such discourse as, I not doubt, shall make it Go quick away-the story of my life, And the particular accidents gone by Since I came to this isle. And in the morn I’ll bring you to your ship, and so to Naples, Where I have hope to see the nuptial Of these our dear-belov’d solemnized, And thence retire me to my Milan, where Every third thought shall be my grave.

ALONSO I long To hear the story of your life, which must Take the ear strangely.

PROSPERO I’ll deliver all; And promise you calm seas, auspicious gales, And sail so expeditious that shall catch Your royal fleet far off.

[Aside to ARIEL] My Ariel, chick, That is thy charge. Then to the elements Be free, and fare thou well!-Please you, draw near.

Exeunt EPILOGUE Spoken by PROSPERO Now my charms are all o’erthrown, And what strength I have’s mine own, Which is most faint. Now ‘tis true, I must be here confin’d by you, Or sent to Naples. Let me not, Since I have my dukedom got, And pardon’d the deceiver, dwell In this bare island by your spell; But release me from my bands With the help of your good hands.

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