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ALONSO A daughter! O heavens, that they were living both in Naples, The King and Queen there! That they were, I wish Myself were mudded in that oozy bed Where my son lies. When did you lose your daughter? PROSPERO In this last tempest. I perceive these lords At this encounter do so much admire That they devour their reason, and scarce think Their eyes do offices of truth, their words Are natural breath; but, howsoe’er you have Been justled from your senses, know for certain That I am Prospero, and that very duke Which was thrust forth of Milan; who most strangely Upon this shore, where you were wrecked, was landed To be the lord on’t. No more yet of this; For ‘tis a chronicle of day by day, Not a relation for a breakfast, nor Befitting this first meeting. Welcome, sir; This cell’s my court; here have I few attendants, And subjects none abroad; pray you, look in.

My dukedom since you have given me again, I will requite you with as good a thing; At least bring forth a wonder, to content ye As much as me my dukedom.

Here PROSPERO discovers FERDINAND and MIRANDA, playing at chess MIRANDA Sweet lord, you play me false.

FERDINAND No, my dearest love, I would not for the world.

MIRANDA Yes, for a score of kingdoms you should wrangle And I would call it fair play.

ALONSO If this prove A vision of the island, one dear son Shall I twice lose.

SEBASTIAN A most high miracle! FERDINAND Though the seas threaten, they are merciful; I have curs’d them without cause.

[Kneels] ALONSO Now all the blessings Of a glad father compass thee about! Arise, and say how thou cam’st here.

MIRANDA O, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world That has such people in’t! PROSPERO ‘Tis new to thee.

ALONSO What is this maid with whom thou wast at play? Your eld’st acquaintance cannot be three hours; Is she the goddess that hath sever’d us, And brought us thus together? FERDINAND Sir, she is mortal; But by immortal Providence she’s mine.

I chose her when I could not ask my father For his advice, nor thought I had one. She Is daughter to this famous Duke of Milan, Of whom so often I have heard renown But never saw before; of whom I have Receiv’d a second life; and second father This lady makes him to me.

ALONSO I am hers.

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