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Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears; and sometimes voices, That, if I then had wak’d after long sleep, Will make me sleep again; and then, in dreaming, The clouds methought would open and show riches Ready to drop upon me, that, when I wak’d, I cried to dream again.

STEPHANO This will prove a brave kingdom to me, where I shall have my music for nothing.

CALIBAN When Prospero is destroy’d. STEPHANO That shall be by and by; I remember the story. TRINCULO The sound is going away; let’s follow it, and after do our work. STEPHANO Lead, monster; we’ll follow. I would I could see this taborer; he lays it on. TRINCULO Wilt come? I’ll follow, Stephano.

Exeunt SCENE 3 Another part of the island Enter ALONSO, SEBASTIAN, ANTONIO, GONZALO, ADRIAN FRANCISCO, and OTHERS GONZALO By’r lakin, I can go no further, sir; My old bones ache. Here’s a maze trod, indeed, Through forth-rights and meanders! By your patience, I needs must rest me.

ALONSO Old lord, I cannot blame thee, Who am myself attach’d with weariness To th’ dulling of my spirits; sit down and rest.

Even here I will put off my hope, and keep it No longer for my flatterer; he is drown’d Whom thus we stray to find, and the sea mocks Our frustrate search on land. Well, let him go.


[Aside to SEBASTIAN] I am right glad that he’s so out of hope. Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose That you resolv’d t’ effect.


[Aside to ANTONIO] The next advantage Will we take throughly.


[Aside to SEBASTIAN]

Let it be to-night; For, now they are oppress’d with travel, they Will not, nor cannot, use such vigilance As when they are fresh.


[Aside to ANTONIO] I say, to-night; no more. Solemn and strange music; and PROSPERO on the top, invisible. Enter several strange SHAPES, bringing in a banquet; and dance about it with gentle actions of salutations;

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