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CALIBAN As I told thee before, I am subject to a tyrant, sorcerer, that by his cunning hath cheated me of the island.

ARIEL Thou liest.

CALIBAN Thou liest, thou jesting monkey, thou; I would my valiant master would destroy thee.

I do not lie.

STEPHANO Trinculo, if you trouble him any more in’s tale, by this hand, I will supplant some of your teeth.

TRINCULO Why, I said nothing. STEPHANO Mum, then, and no more. Proceed. CALIBAN I say, by sorcery he got this isle; From me he got it. If thy greatness will Revenge it on him-for I know thou dar’st, But this thing dare not STEPHANO That’s most certain.

CALIBAN Thou shalt be lord of it, and I’ll serve thee.

STEPHANO How now shall this be compass’d? Canst thou bring me to the party? CALIBAN Yea, yea, my lord; I’ll yield him thee asleep, Where thou mayst knock a nail into his head.

ARIEL Thou liest; thou canst not. CALIBAN What a pied ninny’s this! Thou scurvy patch! I do beseech thy greatness, give him blows, And take his bottle from him. When that’s gone He shall drink nought but brine; for I’ll not show him Where the quick freshes are.

STEPHANO Trinculo, run into no further danger; interrupt the monster one word further and, by this hand, I’ll turn my mercy out o’ doors, and make a stock-fish of thee.

TRINCULO Why, what did I? I did nothing. I’ll go farther off. STEPHANO Didst thou not say he lied? ARIEL Thou liest. STEPHANO Do I so? Take thou that.

[Beats him] As you like this, give me the lie another time. TRINCULO I did not give the lie. Out o’ your wits and hearing too? A pox o’ your bottle! This can sack and drinking do. A murrain on your monster, and the devil take your fingers!

CALIBAN Ha, ha, ha! STEPHANO Now, forward with your tale.-Prithee stand further off.

CALIBAN Beat him enough; after a little time, I’ll beat him too.

STEPHANO Stand farther. Come, proceed.

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