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GONZALO All things in common nature should produce Without sweat or endeavour. Treason, felony, Sword, pike, knife, gun, or need of any engine, Would I not have; but nature should bring forth, Of it own kind, all foison, all abundance, To feed my innocent people.

SEBASTIAN No marrying ‘mong his subjects? ANTONIO None, man; all idle; whores and knaves.

GONZALO I would with such perfection govern, sir, T’ excel the golden age. SEBASTIAN Save his Majesty!

ANTONIO Long live Gonzalo! GONZALO And-do you mark me, sir? ALONSO Prithee, no more; thou dost talk nothing to me.

GONZALO I do well believe your Highness; and did it to minister occasion to these gentlemen, who are of such sensible and nimble lungs that they always use to laugh at nothing.

ANTONIO ‘Twas you we laugh’d at.

GONZALO Who in this kind of merry fooling am nothing to you; so you may continue, and laugh at nothing still.

ANTONIO What a blow was there given! SEBASTIAN An it had not fall’n flat-long. GONZALO You are gentlemen of brave mettle; you would lift the moon out of her sphere, if she would continue in it five weeks without changing.

Enter ARIEL, invisible, playing solemn music SEBASTIAN We would so, and then go a-bat-fowling.

ANTONIO Nay, good my lord, be not angry. GONZALO No, I warrant you; I will not adventure my discretion so weakly. Will you laugh me asleep, for I am very heavy? ANTONIO Go sleep, and hear us.

[All sleep but ALONSO, SEBASTIAN and ANTONIO] ALONSO What, all so soon asleep! I wish mine eyes Would, with themselves, shut up my thoughts; I find They are inclin’d to do so.

SEBASTIAN Please you, sir, Do not omit the heavy offer of it: It seldom visits sorrow; when it doth, It is a comforter.

ANTONIO We two, my lord, Will guard your person while you take your rest, And watch your safety.

ALONSO Thank you-wondrous heavy! [ALONSO sleeps. Exit ARIEL] SEBASTIAN What a strange drowsiness possesses them! ANTONIO It is the quality o’ th’ climate.

SEBASTIAN Why Doth it not then our eyelids sink? I find not Myself dispos’d to sleep. ANTONIO Nor I; my spirits are nimble.

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