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Speak not you for him; he’s a traitor. Come; I’ll manacle thy neck and feet together. Sea-water shalt thou drink; thy food shall be The fresh-brook mussels, wither’d roots, and husks Wherein the acorn cradled. Follow.

FERDINAND No; I will resist such entertainment till Mine enemy has more power.

[He draws, and is charmed from moving] MIRANDA O dear father, Make not too rash a trial of him, for He’s gentle, and not fearful.

PROSPERO What, I say, My foot my tutor? Put thy sword up, traitor; Who mak’st a show but dar’st not strike, thy conscience Is so possess’d with guilt. Come from thy ward; For I can here disarm thee with this stick And make thy weapon drop.

MIRANDA Beseech you, father! PROSPERO Hence! Hang not on my garments. MIRANDA Sir, have pity; I’ll be his surety. PROSPERO Silence! One word more Shall make me chide thee, if not hate thee. What! An advocate for an impostor! hush!

Thou think’st there is no more such shapes as he, Having seen but him and Caliban. Foolish wench!

To th’ most of men this is a Caliban, And they to him are angels. MIRANDA My affections Are then most humble; I have no ambition To see a goodlier man.

PROSPERO Come on; obey. Thy nerves are in their infancy again, And have no vigour in them. FERDINAND So they are; My spirits, as in a dream, are all bound up. My father’s loss, the weakness which I feel, The wreck of all my friends, nor this man’s threats To whom I am subdu’d, are but light to me, Might I but through my prison once a day Behold this maid. All corners else o’ th’ earth Let liberty make use of; space enough Have I in such a prison.


[Aside] It works. [To FERDINAND] Come on.

Thou hast done well, fine Ariel! [To FERDINAND]

Follow me. [To ARIEL] Hark what thou else shalt do me. MIRANDA Be of comfort; My father’s of a better nature, sir, Than he appears by speech; this is unwonted Which now came from him.

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