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where thou didst vent thy groans As fast as mill-wheels strike. Then was this islandSave for the son that she did litter here, A freckl’d whelp, hag-born-not honour’d with A human shape.

ARIEL Yes, Caliban her son.

PROSPERO Dull thing, I say so; he, that Caliban Whom now I keep in service. Thou best know’st What torment I did find thee in; thy groans Did make wolves howl, and penetrate the breasts Of ever-angry bears; it was a torment To lay upon the damn’d, which Sycorax Could not again undo. It was mine art, When I arriv’d and heard thee, that made gape The pine, and let thee out.

ARIEL I thank thee, master.

PROSPERO If thou more murmur’st, I will rend an oak And peg thee in his knotty entrails, till Thou hast howl’d away twelve winters.

ARIEL Pardon, master; I will be correspondent to command, And do my spriting gently.

PROSPERO Do so; and after two days I will discharge thee. ARIEL That’s my noble master!

What shall I do? Say what. What shall I do? PROSPERO Go make thyself like a nymph o’ th’ sea; be subject To no sight but thine and mine, invisible To every eyeball else. Go take this shape, And hither come in ‘t. Go, hence with diligence!

Exit ARIEL Awake, dear heart, awake; thou hast slept well; Awake. MIRANDA The strangeness of your story put Heaviness in me. PROSPERO Shake it off. Come on, We’ll visit Caliban, my slave, who never Yields us kind answer.

MIRANDA ‘Tis a villain, sir, I do not love to look on. PROSPERO But as ‘tis, We cannot miss him: he does make our fire, Fetch in our wood, and serves in offices That profit us. What ho! slave! Caliban!

Thou earth, thou! Speak.


[ Within] There’s wood enough within. PROSPERO Come forth, I say; there’s other business for thee. Come, thou tortoise! when? Re-enter ARIEL like a water-nymph Fine apparition! My quaint Ariel, Hark in thine ear.

ARIEL My lord, it shall be done. Exit PROSPERO Thou poisonous slave, got by the devil himself Upon thy wicked dam, come forth!


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