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about the middle of the winter Eady’s horses fell ill of a local
epidemic. The illness spread to the other Starkfield stables and for
a day or two I was put to it to find a means of transport. Then
Harmon Gow suggested that Ethan Frome’s bay was still on his
legs and that his owner might be glad to drive me over.

I stared at the suggestion. “Ethan Frome? But I’ve never even
spoken to him.

Why on earth should he put himself out for me?” Harmon’s
answer surprised me still more. “I don’t know as he would; but I
know he wouldn’t be sorry to earn a dollar.” I had been told that
Frome was poor, and that the saw-mill and the arid acres of his
farm yielded scarcely enough to keep his household through the
winter; but I had not supposed him to be in such want as Harmon’s
words implied, and I expressed my wonder.

“Well, matters ain’t gone any too well with him,” Harmon said.
“When a man’s been setting round like a hulk for twenty years or
more, seeing things that want doing, it eats inter him, and he loses
his grit. That Frome farm was always ‘bout as bare’s a milkpan
when the cat’s been round; and you know what one of them old
water-mills is wuth nowadays. When Ethan could sweat over ‘em
both from sunup to dark he kinder choked a living out of ‘em; but
his folks ate up most everything, even then, and I don’t see how he
makes out now. Fust his father got a kick, out haying, and went
soft in the brain, and gave away money like Bible texts afore he
died. Then his mother got queer and dragged along for years as
weak as a baby; and his wife Zeena, she’s always been the greatest
hand at doctoring in the county. Sickness and trouble: that’s what
Ethan’s had his plate full up with, ever since the very first
helping.” The next morning, when I looked out, I saw the hollow-
backed bay between the Varnum spruces, and Ethan Frome,
throwing back his worn bearskin, made room for me in the sleigh
at his side. After that, for a week, he drove me over every morning
to Corbury Flats, and on my return in the afternoon met me again
and carried me back through the icy night to Starkfield. The
distance each way was barely three miles, but the old bay’s pace
was slow, and even with firm snow under the runners we were
nearly an hour on the way. Ethan Frome drove in silence, the reins
loosely held in his left hand, his brown seamed profile, under the
helmet-like peak of the cap, relieved against the banks of snow like
the bronze image of a hero. He never turned his face to mine, or
answered, except in monosyllables, the questions I put, or such
slight pleasantries as I ventured. He seemed a part of the mute
melancholy landscape, an incarnation of its frozen woe, with all
that was warm and sentient in him fast bound below the surface;
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