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picking up the pouch and examining the needlework. "Yes; it was lost." "Where did you buy this one? In Mexico?" "It was given to me by a Vera Cruz girl; they are very generous," he replied, striking a match and lighting his cigarette. "They are very handsome, I suppose, those Mexican women; very picturesque, with their black eyes and their lace scarfs." "Some are; others are hideous. just as you find women everywhere." "What was she like--the one who gave you the pouch? You must have known her very well." "She was very ordinary. She wasn't of the slightest importance. I knew her well enough." "Did you visit at her house? Was it interesting? I should like to know and hear about the people you met, and the impressions they made on you." "There are some people who leave impressions not so lasting as the imprint of an oar upon the water." "Was she such a one?" "It would be ungenerous for me to admit that she was of that order and kind." He thrust the pouch back in his pocket, as if to put away the subject with the trifle which had brought it up. Arobin dropped in with a message from Mrs. Merriman, to say that the card party was postponed on account of the illness of one of her children. "How do you do, Arobin?" said Robert, rising from the obscurity. "Oh! Lebrun. To be sure! I heard yesterday you were back. How did they treat you down in Mexique?" "Fairly well." |