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time with a sort of inspiration. As for Antony, who was firm to
Caesar and a strong man, Brutus Albinus kept him outside the
house, and delayed him with a long conversation contrived on
purpose. When Caesar entered, the senate stood up to show their
respect to him, and of Brutus’s confederates, some came about his
chair and stood behind it, others met him, pretending to add their
petitions to those of Tillius Cimber, in behalf of his brother, who
was in exile; and they followed him with their joint applications till
he came to his seat. When he was sat down, he refused to comply
with their requests, and upon their urging him, further began to
reproach them severely for their importunities, when Tillius, laying
hold of his robe with both his hands, pulled it down from his neck,
which was the signal for the assault.

Casca gave him the first cut in the neck, which was not mortal nor
dangerous, as coming from one who at the beginning of such a
bold action was probably very much disturbed; Caesar
immediately turned about, and laid his hand upon the dagger and
kept hold of it. And both of them at the same time cried out, he that
received the blow, in Latin, “Vile Casca, what does this mean?”
and he that gave it, in Greek to his brother, “Brother, help!” Upon
this first onset, those who were not privy to the design were
astonished, and their horror and amazement at what they saw
were so great that they durst not fly nor assist Caesar, nor so much
as speak a word. But those who came prepared for the business
enclosed him on every side, with their naked daggers in their
hands. Which way soever he turned he met with blows, and saw
their swords levelled at his face and eyes, and was encompassed
like a wild beast in the toils on every side. For it had been agreed
they should each of them make a thrust at him, and flesh
themselves with his blood; for which reason Brutus also gave him
one stab in the groin. Some say that he fought and resisted all the
rest, shifting his body to avoid the blows, and calling out for help,
but that when he saw Brutus’s sword drawn, he covered his face
with his robe and submitted, letting himself fall, whether it were
by chance or that he was pushed in that direction by his murderers,
at the foot of the pedestal on which Pompey’s statue stood, and
which was thus wetted with his blood. So that Pompey himself
seemed to have presided, as it were, over the revenge done upon
his adversary, who lay here at his feet, and breathed out his soul
through his multitude of wounds, for they say he received three-
and-twenty. And the conspirators themselves were many of them
wounded by each other, whilst they all levelled their blows at the
same person.
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