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This treatment offended not only the senate, but the commonalty
too, as if they thought the affront upon the senate equally reflected
upon the whole republic; so that all who could decently leave him
went off, looking much discomposed. Caesar, perceiving the false
step he had made, immediately retired home; and laying his throat
bare, told his friends that he was ready to offer this to any one who
would give the stroke. But afterwards he made the malady from
which he suffered the excuse for his sitting, saying that those who
are attacked by it lose their presence of mind if they talk much
standing; that they presently grow giddy, fall into convulsions, and
quite lose their reason. But this was not the reality, for he would
willingly have stood up to the senate, had not Cornelius Balbus,
one of his friends, or rather flatterers, hindered him. “Will you and
remember,” said he, “you are Caesar, and claim the honour which
is due to your merit?” He gave a fresh occasion of resentment by
his affront to the tribunes. The Lupercalia were then celebrated, a
feast at the first institution belonging, as some writers say, to the
shepherds, and having some connection with the Arcadian Lycae.
Many young noblemen and magistrates run up and down the city
with their upper garments off, striking all they meet with thongs of
hide, by way of sport; and many women, even of the highest rank,
place themselves in the way, and hold out their hands to the lash,
as boys in a school do to the master, out of a belief that it procures
an easy labour to those who are with child, and makes those
conceive who are barren. Caesar, dressed in a triumphal robe,
seated himself in a golden chair at the rostra to view this ceremony.
Antony, as consul, was one of those who ran this course, and when
he came into the forum, and the people made way for him, he went
up and reached to Caesar a diadem wreathed with laurel. Upon
this there was a shout, but only a slight one, made by the few who
were planted there for that purpose; but when Caesar refused it,
there was universal applause. Upon the second offer, very few, and
upon the second refusal, all again applauded. Caesar finding it
would not take, rose up, and ordered the crown to be carried into
the capitol. Caesar’s statues were afterwards found with royal
diadems on their heads.

Flavius and Marullus, two tribunes of the people, went presently
and pulled them off, and having apprehended those who first
saluted Caesar as king committed them to prison. The people
followed them with acclamations, and called them by the name of
Brutus, because Brutus was the first who ended the succession of
kings, and transferred the power which before was lodged in one
man into the hands of the senate and people. Caesar so far resented
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