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and therefore told his companions places of honour should be
given up to the greater men, and necessary accommodations to the
weaker, and accordingly ordered that Oppius, who was in bad
health, should lodge within, whilst he and the rest slept under a
shed at the door.

His first war in Gaul was against the Helvetians and Tigurini, who
having burnt their own towns, twelve in number, and four
hundred villages, would have marched forward through that part
of Gaul which was included in the Roman province, as the
Cimbrians and Teutons formerly had done. Nor were they inferior
to these in courage; and in numbers they were equal, being in all
three hundred thousand, of which one hundred and ninety
thousand were fighting men.

Caesar did not engage the Tigurini in person, but Labienus, under
his directions, routed them near the rivet Arar. The Helvetians
surprised Caesar, and unexpectedly set upon him as he was
conducting his army to a confederate town. He succeeded,
however, in making his retreat into a strong position, where, when
he had mustered and marshalled his men, his horse was brought to
him; upon which he said, “When I have won the battle, I will use
my horse for the chase, but at present let us go against the enemy,”
and accordingly charged them on foot. After a long and severe
combat, he drove the main army out of the field, but found the
hardest work at their carriages and ramparts, where not only the
men stood and fought, but the women also and children defended
themselves till they were cut to pieces; insomuch that the fight was
scarcely ended till midnight. This action, glorious in itself, Caesar
crowned with another yet more noble, by gathering in a body all
the barbarians that had escaped out of the battle, above one
hundred thousand in number, and obliging them to re-occupy the
country which they had deserted and the cities which they had
burnt. This he did for fear the Germans should pass it and possess
themselves of the land whilst it lay uninhabited.

His second war was in defence of the Gauls against the Germans,
though some time before he had made Ariovistus, their king,
recognized at Rome as an ally. But they were very insufferable
neighbours to those under his government; and it was probable,
when occasion offered, they would renounce the present
arrangements, and march on to occupy Gaul. But finding his
officers timorous, and especially those of the young nobility who
came along with him in hopes of turning their campaigns with him
into a means for their own pleasure or profit, he called them
together, and advised them to march off, and not run the hazard of
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