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wars, but their union, their conspiring together at first to subvert
the aristocracy, and so quarrelling afterwards between themselves.
Cato, who often foretold what the consequence of this alliance
would be, had then the character of a sullen, interfering man, but
in the end the reputation of a wise but unsuccessful counsellor.

Thus Caesar, being doubly supported by the interests of Crassus
and Pompey, was promoted to the consulship, and triumphantly
proclaimed with Calpurnius Bibulus. When he entered on his
office he brought in bills which would have been preferred with
better grace by the most audacious of the tribunes than by a consul,
in which he proposed the plantation of colonies and the division of
lands, simply to please the commonalty. The best and most
honourable of the senators opposed it, upon which, as he had long
wished for nothing more than for such a colourable pretext, he
loudly protested how much it was against his will to be driven to
seek support from the people, and how the senate’s insulting and
harsh conduct left no other course possible for him than to devote
himself henceforth to the popular cause and interest. And so he
hurried out of the senate, and presenting himself to the people, and
there placing Crassus and Pompey, one on each side of him, he
asked them whether they consented to the bills he had proposed.
They owned their assent, upon which he desired them to assist him
against those who had threatened to oppose him with their swords.
They engaged they would, and Pompey added further, that he
would meet their swords with a sword and buckler too. These
words the nobles much resented, as neither suitable to his own
dignity, nor becoming the reverence due to the senate, but
resembling rather the vehemence of a boy or the fury of a madman.
But the people were pleased with it. In order to get a yet firmer
hold upon Pompey, Caesar having a daughter, Julia, who had been
before contracted to Servilius Caepio, now betrothed her to
Pompey, and told Servilius he should have Pompey’s daughter,
who was not unengaged either, but promised to Sylla’s son,
Faustus. A little time after, Caesar married Calpurnia, the daughter
of Piso, and got Piso made consul for the year following.

Cato exclaimed loudly against this, and protested, with a great deal
of warmth, that it was intolerable the government should be
prostituted by marriages, and that they should advance one
another to the commands of armies, provinces, and other great
posts, by means of women. Bibulus, Caesar’s colleague, finding it
was to no purpose to oppose his bills, but that he was in danger of
being murdered in the forum, as also was Cato, confined himself to
his house, and there let the remaining part of his consulship expire.
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