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directly, but Linton was up in alarm for his dear self again. He
clasped her in his two feeble arms, sobbing--

“Won’t you have me, and save me--not let me come to the
Grange? Oh! darling Catherine! you mustn’t go, and leave me,
after all. You must obey my father, you must!”

“I must obey my own,” she replied, “and relieve him from this
cruel suspense. The whole night! What would he think? He’ll be
distressed already. I’ll either break or burn a way out of the house.
Be quiet! You’re in no danger--but, if you hinder me--Linton, I
love Papa better than you!”

The mortal terror he felt of Mr. Heathcliff’s anger restored to
the boy his coward’s eloquence. Catherine was near distraught;
still, she persisted that she must go home, and tried entreaty, in
her turn, persuading him to subdue his selfish agony. While they
were thus occupied, our jailer re-entered.

“Your beasts have trotted off,” he said, “and--now, Linton!
snivelling again? What has she been doing to you? Come, come--
have done, and get to bed. In a month or two, my lad, you’ll be
able to pay her back her present tyrannies, with a vigorous hand.
You’re pining for pure love, are you not? nothing else in the
world--and she shall have you! There, to bed! Zillah won’t be here
tonight; you must undress yourself. Hush! hold your noise! Once
in your own room, I’ll not come near you, you needn’t fear. By
chance, you’ve managed tolerably. I’ll look to the rest.”

He spoke these words, holding the door open for his son to
pass; and the latter achieved his exit exactly as a spaniel might,
which suspected the person who attended on it of designing a
spiteful squeeze.

The lock was re-secured. Heathcliff approached the fire, where

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