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but because Mr. Heathcliff dislikes me; and is a most diabolical
man, delighting to wrong and ruin those he hates, if they give him
the slightest opportunity. I knew that you could not keep up an
acquaintance with your cousin, without being brought into contact
with him; and I knew he would detest you, on my account; so for
your own good, and nothing else, I took precautions that you
should not see Linton again. I meant to explain this some time as
you grew older, and I’m sorry I delayed it.”

“But Mr. Heathcliff was quite cordial, Papa,” observed
Catherine, not at all convinced; “and he didn’t object to our seeing
each other: he said I might come to his house when I pleased; only
I must not tell you, because you had quarrelled with him, and
would not forgive him for marrying Aunt Isabella. And you won’t.
You are the one to be blamed: he is willing to let us be friends, at
least--Linton and I--and you are not.”

My master, perceiving that she would not take his word for her
uncle-in-law’s evil disposition, gave a hasty sketch of his conduct
to Isabella, and the manner in which Wuthering Heights became
his property. He could not bear to discourse long upon the topic;
for though he spoke little of it, he still felt the same horror and
detestation of his ancient enemy that had occupied his heart ever
since Mrs. Linton’s death. “She might have been living yet, if it
had not been for him!” was his constant bitter reflection; and, in
his eyes, Heathcliff seemed a murderer.

Miss Cathy, conversant with no bad deeds except her own
slight acts of disobedience, injustice, and passion, rising from hot
temper and thoughtlessness, and repented of on the day they were
committed, was amazed at the blackness of spirit that could brood
on and cover revenge for years, and deliberately prosecute its

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