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“It will be too far for me,” murmured her cousin; “to walk four
miles would kill me. No, come here, Miss Catherine, now and then,
not every morning, but once or twice a week.”

The father launched towards his son a glance of bitter

“I am afraid, Nelly, I shall lose my labour,” he muttered to me.
“Miss Catherine, as the ninny calls her, will discover his value, and
send him to the devil. Now, if it had been Hareton!--Do you know
that, twenty times a day, I covet Hareton, with all his degradation?
I’d have loved the lad had he been some one else. But I think he’s
safe from her love. I’ll pit him against that paltry creature, unless it
bestir itself briskly. We calculate it will scarcely last till it is
eighteen. Oh, confound the vapid thing! He’s absorbed in drying
his feet, and never looks at her--Linton!”

“Yes, Father,” answered the boy.
“Have you nothing to show your cousin, anywhere about? not
even a rabbit or a weasel’s nest? Take her into the garden, before
you change your shoes, and into the stable to see your horse.”

“Wouldn’t you rather sit here?” asked Linton, addressing Cathy
in a tone which expressed reluctance to move again.

“I don’t know,” she replied, casting a longing look at the door,
and evidently eager to be active.

He kept his seat, and shrank closer to the fire.
Heathcliff rose, and went into the kitchen, and from thence to
the yard, calling out for Hareton.

Hareton responded, and presently the two re-entered. The
young man had been washing himself, as was visible by the glow
on his cheeks, and his wetted hair.

“Oh, I’ll ask you, Uncle,” cried Miss Cathy, recollecting the

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