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“‘Let me in by the kitchen door,’ he said.
“‘Hindley will be there before me,’ I answered; ‘and that’s a
poor love of yours that cannot bear a shower of snow! We were left
at peace in our beds as long as the summer moon shone, but the
moment a blast of winter returns, you must run for shelter!
Heathcliff, if I were you, I’d go stretch myself over her grave and
die like a faithful dog . . . The world is surely not worth living in
now, is it? You had distinctly impressed on me the idea that
Catherine was the whole joy of your life--I can’t imagine how you
think of surviving her loss.’

“‘He’s there, is he?’ exclaimed my companion, rushing to the
gap. ‘If I can get my arm out I can hit him!’

“I’m afraid, Ellen, you’ll set me down as really wicked; but you
don’t know all, so don’t judge. I wouldn’t have aided or abetted an
attempt on even his life for anything. Wish that he were dead, I
must; and therefore I was fearfully disappointed, and unnerved by
terror for the consequences of my taunting speech, when he flung
himself on Earnshaw’s weapon and wrenched it from his grasp.

“The charge exploded, and the knife, in springing back, closed
into its owner’s wrist. Heathcliff pulled it away by main force,
slitting up the flesh as it passed on, and thrust it dripping into his
pocket. He then took a stone, struck down the division between
two windows, and sprung in. His adversary had fallen senseless
with excessive pain and the flow of blood that gushed from an
artery or a large vein.

“The ruffian kicked and trampled on him, and dashed his head
repeatedly against the flags, holding me with one hand, meantime,
to prevent me summoning Joseph.

“He exerted preter-human self-denial in abstaining from

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