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swung above it; and a wooden bowl of oatmeal stood on the settle
close by. The contents of the pan began to boil, and he turned to
plunge his hand into the bowl; I conjectured that this preparation
was probably for our supper, and, being hungry, I resolved it
should be eatable--so, crying out sharply--“I’ll make the
porridge!” I removed the vessel out of his reach, and proceeded to
take off my hat and riding habit. “Mr. Earnshaw,” I continued,
“directs me to wait on myself--I will--I’m not going to act the lady
among you, for fear I should starve.”

“Gooid Lord!” he muttered, sitting down, and stroking his
ribbed stockings from the knee to the ankle. “If they’s tuh be fresh
ortherings--just when Aw getten used tuh two maisters, if Aw
mun hev a mistress set o’er my heead, it’s loike time tuh be flitting.
Aw niver did think tuh say t’ day ut Aw mud lave th’ owld place--
but Aw daht it’s nigh at hend!”

This lamentation drew no notice from me; I went briskly to
work, sighing to remember a period when it would have been all
merry fun; but compelled speedily to drive off the remembrance.
It racked me to recall past happiness, and the greater peril there
was of conjuring up its apparition, the quicker the thible ran
round, and the faster the handfuls of meal fell into the water.

Joseph beheld my style of cookery with growing indignation.
“Thear!” he ejaculated. “Hareton, thah willn’t sup thy porridge
tuh neeght; they’ll be nowt bud lumps as big as maw nave. Thear,
agean! Aw’d fling in bowl un all, if Aw wer yah! Thear, pale t’ guilp
off, un then yah’ll hae done wi’t. Bang, bang. It’s a marcy t’
bothom isn’t deaved aht!”

It was rather a rough mess, I own, when poured into the basins;
four had been provided, and a gallon pitcher of new milk was

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