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Have you been for a soldier?”

“Go and carry my message,” he interrupted impatiently. “I’m in
hell till you do!”

He lifted the latch, and I entered; but when I got to the parlour
where Mr. and Mrs. Linton were, I could not persuade myself to

At length, I resolved on making an excuse to ask if they would
have the candles lighted, and I opened the door.

They sat together in a window whose lattice lay back against
the wall, and displayed, beyond the garden trees and the wild
green park, the valley of Gimmerton, with a long line of mist
winding nearly to its top (for very soon after you pass the chapel,
as you may have noticed, the sough that runs from the marshes
joins a beck which follows the bend of the glen). Wuthering
Heights rose above this silvery vapour--but our old house was
invisible--it rather dips down on the other side.

Both the room and its occupants, and the scene they gazed on,
looked wondrously peaceful. I shrank reluctantly from performing
my errand, and was actually going away leaving it unsaid, after
having put my question about the candles, when a sense of my
folly compelled me to return, and mutter,

“A person from Gimmerton wishes to see you, ma’am.”
“What does he want?” asked Mrs. Linton.

“I did not question him,” I answered.
“Well, close the curtains, Nelly,” she said; “and bring up tea. I’ll
be back again directly.”

She quitted the apartment; Mr. Edgar inquired, carelessly, who
it was.

“Some one mistress does not expect,” I replied. “That

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