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PinkMonkey Digital Library-Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser

"Well, we’ll have to wait here, boys, until some one does. Twelve
cents isn’t so very much for one man."

"Here’s fifteen," exclaimed a young man, peering forward with
strained eyes. "It’s all I can afford."

"All right. Now I have fifteen. Step out of the line," and seizing
one by the shoulder, the captain marched him off a little way and
stood him up alone.

Coming back, he resumed his place and began again.

"I have three cents left. These men must be put to bed somehow.
There are"counting-"one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
nine, ten, eleven, twelve men. Nine cents more will put the next
man to bed; give him a good, comfortable bed for the night. I go
right along and look after that myself. Who will give me nine

One of the watchers, this time a middle-aged man, handed him a
five-cent piece.

"Now, I have eight cents. Four more will give this man a bed.
Come, gentlemen. We are going very slow this evening. You all
have good beds. How about these?"

"Here you are," remarked a bystander, putting a coin into his

"That," said the, captain, looking at the coin, "pays for two beds
for two men and gives me five on the next one. Who will give me
seven cents more?"

"I will," said a voice.

Coming down Sixth Avenue this evening, Hurstwood chanced to
cross east through Twenty-sixth Street toward Third Avenue. He
was wholly disconsolate in spirit, hungry to what he deemed an
almost mortal extent, weary, and defeated. How should he get at
Carrie now? It would be eleven before the show was over. If she
came in a coach, she would go away in one. He would need to
interrupt under most trying circumstances. Worst of all, he was
hungry and weary, and at best a whole day must intervene, for he
had not heart to try again to-night. He had no food and no bed.

When he neared Broadway, he noticed the captain’s gathering of
wanderers, but thinking it to be the result of a street preacher or
some patent medicine fakir, was about to pass on. However, in
crossing the street toward Madison Square Park, he noticed the
line of men whose beds were already secured, stretching out from
the main body of the crowd. In the glare of the neighbouring
electric light he recognised a type of his own kind-the figures
whom he saw about the streets and in the lodging-houses, drifting
in mind and body like himself. He wondered what it could be and
turned back.

There was the captain curtly pleading as before. He heard with
astonishment and a sense of relief the oft-repeated words: "These
men must have a bed." Before him was the line of unfortunates
whose beds were yet to be had, and seeing a newcomer quietly
edge up and take a position at the end of the line, he decided to do
likewise. What use to contend? He was weary to-night. It was a
simple way out of one difficulty, at least. Tomorrow, maybe, he
would do better.

Back of him, where some of those were whose beds were safe, a
relaxed air was apparent. The strain of uncertainty being removed,
he heard them talking with moderate freedom and some leaning
toward sociability. Politics, religion, the state of the government,
some newspaper sensations, and the more notorious facts the
world over, found mouthpieces and auditors there. Cracked and
husky voices pronounced forcibly upon odd matters. Vague and
rambling observations were made in reply.

There were squints, and leers, and some dull, ox-like stares from
those who were too dull or too weary to converse.

Standing tells. Hurstwood became more weary waiting. He
thought he should drop soon and shifted restlessly from one foot
to the other. At last his turn came.

The man ahead had been paid for and gone to the blessed line of
success. He was now first, and already the captain was talking for
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PinkMonkey Digital Library-Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser

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