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PinkMonkey Digital Library-Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser

Hurstwood was an interesting character after his kind. He was
shrewd and clever in many little things, and capable of creating a
good impression. His managerial position was fairly important-a
kind of stewardship which was imposing, but lacked financial
control. He had risen by perseverance and industry, through long
years of service, from the position of barkeeper in a commonplace
saloon to his present altitude. He had a little office in the place, set
off in polished cherry and grill-work, where he kept, in a roll-top
desk, the rather simple accounts of the place-supplies ordered and
needed. The chief executive and financial functions devolved
‘upon the owners-Messrs. Fitzgerald and Moy-and upon a cashier
who looked after the money taken in.

For the most part he lounged about, dressed in excellent tailored
suits of imported goods, a solitaire ring, a fine blue diamond in his
tie, a striking vest of

some new pattern, and a watch-chain of solid gold, which held a
charm of rich design, and a watch of the latest make and
engraving. He knew by name, and could greet personally with a
"Well, old fellow," hundreds of actors, merchants, politicians, and
the general run of successful characters about town, and it was
part of his success to do so. He had a finely graduated scale of
informality and friend-ship, which improved from the "How do
you do?" addressed to the fifteen-dollar-a-week clerks and office
attaches, who, by long frequenting of the place, became aware of
his position, to the "Why, old man, how are you?" which he
addressed to those noted or rich individuals who knew him and
were inclined to be friendly. There was a class, however, too rich,
too famous, or too successful, with whom he could not attempt
any familiarity of address, and with these he was professionally
tactful, assuming a grave and dignified attitude, paying them the
deference which would win their good feeling without in the least
compromising his own bearing and opinions. There were, in the
last place, a few good followers, neither rich nor poor, famous,
nor yet remarkably successful, with whom he was friendly on the
score of good-fellowship. These were the kind of men with whom
he would converse longest and most seriously. He loved to go out
and have a good time once in a while-to go to the races, the
theatres, the sporting entertainments at some of the clubs. He kept
a horse and neat trap, had his wife and two children, who were
well established in a neat house on the North Side near Lincoln
Park, and was altogether a very acceptable individual of our great
American upper class-the first grade below the luxuriously rich.

Hurstwood liked Drouet. The latter’s genial nature and dressy
appearance pleased him. He knew that Drouet was only a
travelling salesman-and not one of many years at that-but the firm
of Bartlett, Caryoe & Company was a large and prosperous house,
and Drouet stood well. Hurstwood knew Caryoe quite well,
having drunk a glass now and then with him, in company with
several others, when the conversation was general. Drouet had
what was a help in his business, a moderate sense of humour, and
could tell a good story when the occasion required. He could talk
races with Hurstwood, tell interesting incidents concerning
himself and his experiences with women, and report the state of
trade in the cities which he visited, and so managed to make
himself almost invariably agreeable. To-night he was particularly
so, since his report to the company had been favourably
commented upon, his new samples had been satisfactorily
selected, and his trip marked out for the next six weeks.

"Why, hello, Charlie, old man," said Hurstwood, as Drouet came
in that evening about eight o’clock. "How goes it?" The room was

Drouet shook hands, beaming good nature, and they strolled
towards the bar.
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PinkMonkey Digital Library-Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser

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