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one thought of him who sent me here, but one last lingering care
for your own peace of mind and heart, I do for God’s sake urge you
to give me a hearing.’

She attempted to pass him, but Nicholas gently detained her.
‘A hearing,’ said Nicholas. ‘I ask you but to hear me: not me
alone, but him for whom I speak, who is far away and does not
know your danger. In the name of Heaven hear me!’

The poor attendant, with her eyes swollen and red with
weeping, stood by; and to her Nicholas appealed in such
passionate terms that she opened a side-door, and, supporting her
mistress into an adjoining room, beckoned Nicholas to follow

‘Leave me, sir, pray,’ said the young lady.
‘I cannot, will not leave you thus,’ returned Nicholas. ‘I have a
duty to discharge; and, either here, or in the room from which we
have just now come, at whatever risk or hazard to Mr Bray, I must
beseech you to contemplate again the fearful course to which you
have been impelled.’

‘What course is this you speak of, and impelled by whom, sir?’
demanded the young lady, with an effort to speak proudly.

‘I speak of this marriage,’ returned Nicholas, ‘of this marriage,
fixed for tomorrow, by one who never faltered in a bad purpose, or
lent his aid to any good design; of this marriage, the history of
which is known to me, better, far better, than it is to you. I know
what web is wound about you. I know what men they are from
whom these schemes have come. You are betrayed and sold for
money; for gold, whose every coin is rusted with tears, if not red
with the blood of ruined men, who have fallen desperately by their
own mad hands.’

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