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Unto which Mr Lillyvick replied in a solemn voice, ‘Let me be
shaved!’ and again consigning himself to the hands of the
journeyman, said no more.

This was remarkable behaviour. So remarkable did it seem to
Miss Morleena, that that young lady, at the imminent hazard of
having her ear sliced off, had not been able to forbear looking
round, some score of times, during the foregoing colloquy. Of her,
however, Mr Lillyvick took no notice: rather striving (so, at least, it
seemed to Newman Noggs) to evade her observation, and to
shrink into himself whenever he attracted her regards. Newman
wondered very much what could have occasioned this altered
behaviour on the part of the collector; but, philosophically
reflecting that he would most likely know, sooner or later, and that
he could perfectly afford to wait, he was very little disturbed by
the singularity of the old gentleman’s deportment.

The cutting and curling being at last concluded, the old
gentleman, who had been some time waiting, rose to go, and,
walking out with Newman and his charge, took Newman’s arm,
and proceeded for some time without making any observation.
Newman, who in power of taciturnity was excelled by few people,
made no attempt to break silence; and so they went on, until they
had very nearly reached Miss Morleena’s home, when Mr Lillyvick

‘Were the Kenwigses very much overpowered, Mr Noggs, by
that news?’

‘What news?’ returned Newman.
‘That about--my--being--’
‘Married?’ suggested Newman.
‘Ah!’ replied Mr Lillyvick, with another groan; this time not

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