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‘Kate,’ interposed Mrs Nickleby with severe dignity, ‘I am
surprised at you.’

‘Dear mama,’ Kate gently remonstrated.
‘I am surprised at you,’ repeated Mrs Nickleby; ’upon my word,
Kate, I am quite astonished that you should join the persecutors of
this unfortunate gentleman, when you know very well that they
have the basest designs upon his property, and that that is the
whole secret of it. It would be much kinder of you, Kate, to ask Mr
Linkinwater or Mr Cheeryble to interfere in his behalf, and see
him righted. You ought not to allow your feelings to influence you;
it’s not right, very far from it. What should my feelings be, do you
suppose? If anybody ought to be indignant, who is it? I, of course,
and very properly so. Still, at the same time, I wouldn’t commit
such an injustice for the world. No,’ continued Mrs Nickleby,
drawing herself up, and looking another way with a kind of
bashful stateliness; ‘this gentleman will understand me when I tell
him that I repeat the answer I gave him the other day; that I
always will repeat it, though I do believe him to be sincere when I
find him placing himself in such dreadful situations on my
account; and that I request him to have the goodness to go away
directly, or it will be impossible to keep his behaviour a secret
from my son Nicholas. I am obliged to him, very much obliged to
him, but I cannot listen to his addresses for a moment. It’s quite

While this address was in course of delivery, the old gentleman,
with his nose and cheeks embellished with large patches of soot,
sat upon the ground with his arms folded, eyeing the spectators in
profound silence, and with a very majestic demeanour. He did not
appear to take the smallest notice of what Mrs Nickleby said, but

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