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you have money. She has not money, you have not youth. Tit for
tat, quits, a match of Heaven’s own making!’

‘Matches are made in Heaven, they say,’ added Arthur Gride,
leering hideously at the father-in-law he wanted. ‘If we are
married, it will be destiny, according to that.’

‘Then think, Mr Bray,’ said Ralph, hastily substituting for this
argument considerations more nearly allied to earth, ‘think what a
stake is involved in the acceptance or rejection of these proposals
of my friend.’

‘How can I accept or reject,’ interrupted Mr Bray, with an
irritable consciousness that it really rested with him to decide. ‘It
is for my daughter to accept or reject; it is for my daughter. You
know that.’

‘True,’ said Ralph, emphatically; ‘but you have still the power to
advise; to state the reasons for and against; to hint a wish.’

‘To hint a wish, sir!’ returned the debtor, proud and mean by
turns, and selfish at all times. ‘I am her father, am I not? Why
should I hint, and beat about the bush? Do you suppose, like her
mother’s friends and my enemies--a curse upon them all!--that
there is anything in what she has done for me but duty, sir, but
duty? Or do you think that my having been unfortunate is a
sufficient reason why our relative positions should be changed,
and that she should command and I should obey? Hint a wish, too!
Perhaps you think, because you see me in this place and scarcely
able to leave this chair without assistance, that I am some broken-
spirited dependent creature, without the courage or power to do
what I may think best for my own child. Still the power to hint a
wish! I hope so!’

‘Pardon me,’ returned Ralph, who thoroughly knew his man,

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