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so hard upon me as that, I know. Now, will you?’

‘There’s something more to be told,’ said Ralph, as stony and
immovable as ever.

‘Yes, yes, there is, but you won’t give me time,’ returned Arthur
Gride. ‘I want a backer in this matter; one who can talk, and urge,
and press a point, which you can do as no man can. I can’t do that,
for I am a poor, timid, nervous creature. Now, if you get a good
composition for this debt, which you long ago gave up for lost,
you’ll stand my friend, and help me. Won’t you?’

‘There’s something more,’ said Ralph.
‘No, no, indeed,’ cried Arthur Gride.
‘Yes, yes, indeed. I tell you yes,’ said Ralph.
‘Oh!’ returned old Arthur feigning to be suddenly enlightened.
‘You mean something more, as concerns myself and my intention.
Ay, surely, surely. Shall I mention that?’

‘I think you had better,’ rejoined Ralph, drily.
‘I didn’t like to trouble you with that, because I supposed your
interest would cease with your own concern in the affair,’ said
Arthur Gride. ‘That’s kind of you to ask. Oh dear, how very kind of
you! Why, supposing I had a knowledge of some property--some
little property--very little--to which this pretty chick was entitled;
which nobody does or can know of at this time, but which her
husband could sweep into his pouch, if he knew as much as I do,
would that account for--’

‘For the whole proceeding,’ rejoined Ralph, abruptly. ‘Now, let
me turn this matter over, and consider what I ought to have if I
should help you to success.’

‘But don’t be hard,’ cried old Arthur, raising his hands with an
imploring gesture, and speaking, in a tremulous voice. ‘Don’t be

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