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If the proprietor of Dotheboys Hall could have known what was
passing in his assistant’s breast at that moment, he would have
discovered, with some surprise, that he was as near being soundly
pummelled as he had ever been in his life. Kate Nickleby, having a
quicker perception of her brother’s emotions, led him gently aside,
and thus prevented Mr Squeers from being impressed with the
fact in a peculiarly disagreeable manner.

‘My dear Nicholas,’ said the young lady, ‘who is this man? What
kind of place can it be that you are going to?’

‘I hardly know, Kate,’ replied Nicholas, pressing his sister’s
hand. ‘I suppose the Yorkshire folks are rather rough and
uncultivated; that’s all.’

‘But this person,’ urged Kate.
‘Is my employer, or master, or whatever the proper name may
be,’ replied Nicholas quickly; ‘and I was an ass to take his
coarseness ill. They are looking this way, and it is time I was in my
place. Bless you, love, and goodbye! Mother, look forward to our
meeting again someday! Uncle, farewell! Thank you heartily for all
you have done and all you mean to do. Quite ready, sir!’

With these hasty adieux, Nicholas mounted nimbly to his seat,
and waved his hand as gallantly as if his heart went with it.

At this moment, when the coachman and guard were
comparing notes for the last time before starting, on the subject of
the way-bill; when porters were screwing out the last reluctant
sixpences, itinerant newsmen making the last offer of a morning
paper, and the horses giving the last impatient rattle to their
harness; Nicholas felt somebody pulling softly at his leg. He looked
down, and there stood Newman Noggs, who pushed up into his
hand a dirty letter.

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