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and passing the girl in his impatience, before they had ascended
many steps, Ralph quickly reached the private sitting-room, when
he was rather amazed by the confused and inexplicable scene in
which he suddenly found himself.

There were all the young-lady workers, some with bonnets and
some without, in various attitudes expressive of alarm and
consternation; some gathered round Madame Mantalini, who was
in tears upon one chair; and others round Miss Knag, who was in
opposition tears upon another; and others round Mr Mantalini,
who was perhaps the most striking figure in the whole group, for
Mr Mantalini’s legs were extended at full length upon the floor,
and his head and shoulders were supported by a very tall footman,
who didn’t seem to know what to do with them, and Mr
Mantalini’s eyes were closed, and his face was pale and his hair
was comparatively straight, and his whiskers and moustache were
limp, and his teeth were clenched, and he had a little bottle in his
right hand, and a little tea-spoon in his left; and his hands, arms,
legs, and shoulders, were all stiff and powerless. And yet Madame
Mantalini was not weeping upon the body, but was scolding
violently upon her chair; and all this amidst a clamour of tongues
perfectly deafening, and which really appeared to have driven the
unfortunate footman to the utmost verge of distraction.

‘What is the matter here?’ said Ralph, pressing forward.
At this inquiry, the clamour was increased twenty-fold, and an
astounding string of such shrill contradictions as ‘He’s poisoned
himself’--‘He hasn’t’--‘Send for a doctor’--‘Don’t’--‘He’s dying’--
‘He isn’t, he’s only pretending’--with various other cries, poured
forth with bewildering volubility, until Madame Mantalini was
seen to address herself to Ralph, when female curiosity to know

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