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and was conscious of something like self-reproach as she
embraced her daughter, and yielded to the emotions which such a
conversation naturally awakened.

There was a mighty bustle that night, and a vast quantity of
preparation for the expected visitor, and a very large nosegay was
brought from a gardener’s hard by, and cut up into a number of
very small ones, with which Mrs Nickleby would have garnished
the little sitting-room, in a style that certainly could not have failed
to attract anybody’s attention, if Kate had not offered to spare her
the trouble, and arranged them in the prettiest and neatest
manner possible. If the cottage ever looked pretty, it must have
been on such a bright and sunshiny day as the next day was. But
Smike’s pride in the garden, or Mrs Nickleby’s in the condition of
the furniture, or Kate’s in everything, was nothing to the pride
with which Nicholas looked at Kate herself; and surely the
costliest mansion in all England might have found in her beautiful
face and graceful form its most exquisite and peerless ornament.

About six o’clock in the afternoon Mrs Nickleby was thrown
into a great flutter of spirits by the long-expected knock at the
door, nor was this flutter at all composed by the audible tread of
two pair of boots in the passage, which Mrs Nickleby augured, in a
breathless state, must be ‘the two Mr Cheerybles;’ as it certainly
was, though not the two Mrs Nickleby expected, because it was Mr
Charles Cheeryble, and his nephew, Mr Frank, who made a
thousand apologies for his intrusion, which Mrs Nickleby (having
tea-spoons enough and to spare for all) most graciously received.
Nor did the appearance of this unexpected visitor occasion the
least embarrassment, (save in Kate, and that only to the extent of a
blush or two at first,) for the old gentleman was so kind and

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