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imploringly on one side, and his right hand on his breast. ‘Oh, do
sip the goblet!’

‘I shall not consent to do anything of the kind, sir,’ said Mrs
Nickleby. ‘Pray, begone.’

‘Why is it,’ said the old gentleman, coming up a step higher, and
leaning his elbows on the wall, with as much complacency as if he
were looking out of window, ‘why is it that beauty is always
obdurate, even when admiration is as honourable and respectful
as mine?’ Here he smiled, kissed his hand, and made several low
bows. ‘Is it owing to the bees, who, when the honey season is over,
and they are supposed to have been killed with brimstone, in
reality fly to Barbary and lull the captive Moors to sleep with their
drowsy songs? Or is it,’ he added, dropping his voice almost to a
whisper, ‘in consequence of the statue at Charing Cross having
been lately seen, on the Stock Exchange at midnight, walking arm-
in-arm with the Pump from Aldgate, in a riding-habit?’

‘Mama,’ murmured Kate, ‘do you hear him?’
‘Hush, my dear!’ replied Mrs Nickleby, in the same tone of
voice, ‘he is very polite, and I think that was a quotation from the
poets. Pray, don’t worry me so--you’ll pinch my arm black and
blue. Go away, sir!’

‘Quite away?’ said the gentleman, with a languishing look. ‘Oh!
quite away?’

‘Yes,’ returned Mrs Nickleby, ‘certainly. You have no business
here. This is private property, sir; you ought to know that.’

‘I do know,’ said the old gentleman, laying his finger on his
nose, with an air of familiarity, most reprehensible, ‘that this is a
sacred and enchanted spot, where the most divine charms’--here
he kissed his hand and bowed again--‘waft mellifluousness over

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