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time, went away, and returned next night at the same hour, and on
the next, and on the next again.

These repeated visits inflamed the curiosity of Nicholas to the
very highest pitch. Tantalised and excited, beyond all bearing, and
unable to fathom the mystery without neglecting his duty, he
confided the whole secret to Newman Noggs, imploring him to be
on the watch next night; to follow the girl home; to set on foot such
inquiries relative to the name, condition, and history of her
mistress, as he could, without exciting suspicion; and to report the
result to him with the least possible delay.

Beyond all measure proud of this commission, Newman Noggs
took up his post, in the square, on the following evening, a full
hour before the needful time, and planting himself behind the
pump and pulling his hat over his eyes, began his watch with an
elaborate appearance of mystery, admirably calculated to excite
the suspicion of all beholders. Indeed, divers servant girls who
came to draw water, and sundry little boys who stopped to drink
at the ladle, were almost scared out of their senses, by the
apparition of Newman Noggs looking stealthily round the pump,
with nothing of him visible but his face, and that wearing the
expression of a meditative Ogre.

Punctual to her time, the messenger came again, and, after an
interview of rather longer duration than usual, departed. Newman
had made two appointments with Nicholas: one for the next
evening, conditional on his success: and one the next night
following, which was to be kept under all circumstances. The first
night he was not at the place of meeting (a certain tavern about
half-way between the city and Golden Square), but on the second
night he was there before Nicholas, and received him with open

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