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favouring him, he has marked me for a week or two, but I’ll put a
mark on him that he shall carry to his grave. I’ll slit his nose and
ears, flog him, maim him for life. I’ll do more than that; I’ll drag
that pattern of chastity, that pink of prudery, the delicate sister,

It might have been that even Ralph’s cold blood tingled in his
cheeks at that moment. It might have been that Sir Mulberry
remembered, that, knave and usurer as he was, he must, in some
early time of infancy, have twined his arm about her father’s neck.
He stopped, and menacing with his hand, confirmed the unuttered
threat with a tremendous oath.

‘It is a galling thing,’ said Ralph, after a short term of silence,
during which he had eyed the sufferer keenly, ‘to think that the
man about town, the rake, the roué, the rook of twenty seasons
should be brought to this pass by a mere boy!’

Sir Mulberry darted a wrathful look at him, but Ralph’s eyes
were bent upon the ground, and his face wore no other expression
than one of thoughtfulness.

‘A raw, slight stripling,’ continued Ralph, ‘against a man whose
very weight might crush him; to say nothing of his skill in--I am
right, I think,’ said Ralph, raising his eyes, ‘you were a patron of
the ring once, were you not?’

The sick man made an impatient gesture, which Ralph chose to
consider as one of acquiescence.

‘Ha!’ he said, ‘I thought so. That was before I knew you, but I
was pretty sure I couldn’t be mistaken. He is light and active, I
suppose. But those were slight advantages compared with yours.
Luck, luck! These hang-dog outcasts have it.’

‘He’ll need the most he has, when I am well again,’ said Sir

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