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mother and Smike sitting up to receive him. It was long after their
usual hour of retiring, and they had expected him, at the very
latest, two hours ago; but the time had not hung heavily on their
hands, for Mrs Nickleby had entertained Smike with a
genealogical account of her family by the mother’s side,
comprising biographical sketches of the principal members, and
Smike had sat wondering what it was all about, and whether it
was learnt from a book, or said out of Mrs Nickleby’s own head; so
that they got on together very pleasantly.

Nicholas could not go to bed without expatiating on the
excellences and munificence of the brothers Cheeryble, and
relating the great success which had attended his efforts that day.
But before he had said a dozen words, Mrs Nickleby, with many
sly winks and nods, observed, that she was sure Mr Smike must be
quite tired out, and that she positively must insist on his not sitting
up a minute longer.

‘A most biddable creature he is, to be sure,’ said Mrs Nickleby,
when Smike had wished them good-night and left the room. ‘I
know you’ll excuse me, Nicholas, my dear, but I don’t like to do
this before a third person; indeed, before a young man it would
not be quite proper, though really, after all, I don’t know what
harm there is in it, except that to be sure it’s not a very becoming
thing, though some people say it is very much so, and really I don’t
know why it should not be, if it’s well got up, and the borders are
small-plaited; of course, a good deal depends upon that.’

With which preface, Mrs Nickleby took her nightcap from
between the leaves of a very large prayer-book where it had been
folded up small, and proceeded to tie it on: talking away in her
usual discursive manner, all the time.

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