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cap was all safe, however--that was one comfort--and it was no
use scolding him--that was another; so the boy went upon his way
rejoicing, and Tim Linkinwater’s sister presented herself to the
company below-stairs, just five minutes after the half-hour had
struck by Tim Linkinwater’s own infallible clock.

The company consisted of the brothers Cheeryble, Tim
Linkinwater, a ruddy-faced white-headed friend of Tim’s (who was
a superannuated bank clerk), and Nicholas, who was presented to
Tim Linkinwater’s sister with much gravity and solemnity. The
party being now completed, brother Ned rang for dinner, and,
dinner being shortly afterwards announced, led Tim
Linkinwater’s sister into the next room, where it was set forth with
great preparation. Then, brother Ned took the head of the table,
and brother Charles the foot; and Tim Linkinwater’s sister sat on
the left hand of brother Ned, and Tim Linkinwater himself on his
right: and an ancient butler of apoplectic appearance, and with
very short legs, took up his position at the back of brother Ned’s
armchair, and, waving his right arm preparatory to taking off the
covers with a flourish, stood bolt upright and motionless.

‘For these and all other blessings, brother Charles,’ said Ned.
‘Lord, make us truly thankful, brother Ned,’ said Charles.
Whereupon the apoplectic butler whisked off the top of the
soup tureen, and shot, all at once, into a state of violent activity.

There was abundance of conversation, and little fear of its ever
flagging, for the good-humour of the glorious old twins drew
everybody out, and Tim Linkinwater’s sister went off into a long
and circumstantial account of Tim Linkinwater’s infancy,
immediately after the very first glass of champagne--taking care
to premise that she was very much Tim’s junior, and had only

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