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think you could possibly do a better thing.’

‘Hem!’ said the other. ‘Twenty pounds per annewum, I believe,
Mr Squeers?’

‘Guineas,’ rejoined the schoolmaster, with a persuasive smile.
‘Pounds for two, I think, Mr Squeers,’ said Mr Snawley,

‘I don’t think it could be done, sir,’ replied Squeers, as if he had
never considered the proposition before. ‘Let me see; four fives is
twenty, double that, and deduct the--well, a pound either way
shall not stand betwixt us. You must recommend me to your
connection, sir, and make it up that way.’

‘They are not great eaters,’ said Mr Snawley.
‘Oh! that doesn’t matter at all,’ replied Squeers. ‘We don’t
consider the boys’ appetites at our establishment.’ This was
strictly true; they did not.

‘Every wholesome luxury, sir, that Yorkshire can afford,’
continued Squeers; ‘every beautiful moral that Mrs Squeers can
instil; every--in short, every comfort of a home that a boy could
wish for, will be theirs, Mr Snawley.’

‘I should wish their morals to be particularly attended to,’ said
Mr Snawley.

‘I am glad of that, sir,’ replied the schoolmaster, drawing
himself up. ‘They have come to the right shop for morals, sir.’

‘You are a moral man yourself,’ said Mr Snawley.
‘I rather believe I am, sir,’ replied Squeers.

‘I have the satisfaction to know you are, sir,’ said Mr Snawley. ‘I
asked one of your references, and he said you were pious.’

‘Well, sir, I hope I am a little in that line,’ replied Squeers.
‘I hope I am also,’ rejoined the other. ‘Could I say a few words

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