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think of it. To wound him through his own affections and fancies--
. If I could strike him through this boy--’
‘Strike him how you like, sir,’ interrupted Squeers, ‘only hit him
hard enough, that’s all--and with that, I’ll say good-morning.
Here!--just chuck that little boy’s hat off that corner peg, and lift
him off the stool will you?’

Bawling these requests to Newman Noggs, Mr Squeers betook
himself to the little back-office, and fitted on his child’s hat with
parental anxiety, while Newman, with his pen behind his ear, sat,
stiff and immovable, on his stool, regarding the father and son by
turns with a broad stare.

‘He’s a fine boy, an’t he?’ said Squeers, throwing his head a
little on one side, and falling back to the desk, the better to
estimate the proportions of little Wackford.

‘Very,’ said Newman.
‘Pretty well swelled out, an’t he?’ pursued Squeers. ‘He has the
fatness of twenty boys, he has.’

‘Ah!’ replied Newman, suddenly thrusting his face into that of
Squeers, ‘he has;--the fatness of twenty!--more! He’s got it all.
God help that others. Ha! ha! Oh Lord!’

Having uttered these fragmentary observations, Newman
dropped upon his desk and began to write with most marvellous

‘Why, what does the man mean?’ cried Squeers, colouring. ‘Is
he drunk?’

Newman made no reply.
‘Is he mad?’ said Squeers.
But, still Newman betrayed no consciousness of any presence
save his own; so, Mr Squeers comforted himself by saying that he

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