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622 or you’ll get thin, and that won’t do. You haven’t got such a thing as twopence, Mr Nickleby, have you?’ said Squeers, rattling a bunch of keys in his coat pocket, and muttering something about its being all silver. ‘I--think I have,’ said Ralph, very slowly, and producing, after much rummaging in an old drawer, a penny, a halfpenny, and two farthings. ‘Thankee,’ said Squeers, bestowing it upon his son. ‘Here! You go and buy a tart--Mr Nickleby’s man will show you where--and mind you buy a rich one. Pastry,’ added Squeers, closing the door on Master Wackford, ‘makes his flesh shine a good deal, and parents thinks that a healthy sign.’ With this explanation, and a peculiarly knowing look to eke it out, Mr Squeers moved his chair so as to bring himself opposite to Ralph Nickleby at no great distance off; and having planted it to his entire satisfaction, sat down. ‘Attend to me,’ said Ralph, bending forward a little. Squeers nodded. ‘I am not to suppose,’ said Ralph, ‘that you are dolt enough to forgive or forget, very readily, the violence that was committed upon you, or the exposure which accompanied it?’ ‘Devil a bit,’ replied Squeers, tartly. ‘Or to lose an opportunity of repaying it with interest, if you could get one?’ said Ralph. ‘Show me one, and try,’ rejoined Squeers. ‘Some such object it was, that induced you to call on me?’ said Ralph, raising his eyes to the schoolmaster’s face. ‘N-n-no, I don’t know that,’ replied Squeers. ‘I thought that if it was in your power to make me, besides the trifle of money you |