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Squeers, with a triumphant air, as Master Wackford wiped his
eyes with the cuff of his jacket, ‘there’s oiliness!’

‘He looks well, indeed,’ returned Ralph, who, for some purposes
of his own, seemed desirous to conciliate the schoolmaster. ‘But
how is Mrs Squeers, and how are you?’

‘Mrs Squeers, sir,’ replied the proprietor of Dotheboys, ‘is as
she always is--a mother to them lads, and a blessing, and a
comfort, and a joy to all them as knows her. One of our boys--
gorging his-self with vittles, and then turning in; that’s their way--
got a abscess on him last week. To see how she operated upon him
with a pen-knife! Oh Lor!’ said Squeers, heaving a sigh, and
nodding his head a great many times, ‘what a member of society
that woman is!’

Mr Squeers indulged in a retrospective look, for some quarter
of a minute, as if this allusion to his lady’s excellences had
naturally led his mind to the peaceful village of Dotheboys near
Greta Bridge in Yorkshire; and then looked at Ralph, as if waiting
for him to say something.

‘Have you quite recovered that scoundrel’s attack?’ asked

‘I’ve only just done it, if I’ve done it now,’ replied Squeers. ‘I
was one blessed bruise, sir,’ said Squeers, touching first the roots
of his hair, and then the toes of his boots, ‘from here to there.
Vinegar and brown paper, vinegar and brown paper, from
morning to night. I suppose there was a matter of half a ream of
brown paper stuck upon me, from first to last. As I laid all of a
heap in our kitchen, plastered all over, you might have thought I
was a large brown-paper parcel, chock full of nothing but groans.
Did I groan loud, Wackford, or did I groan soft?’ asked Mr

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