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as he very properly says, Digby may not be the same, but only his
brother, or some near relation.’
‘Oh!’ cried Nicholas again.
‘Yes,’ said Mr Folair, with undisturbed calmness, ‘that’s what
they say. I thought I’d tell you, because really you ought to know.
Oh! here’s this blessed phenomenon at last. Ugh, you little
imposition, I should like to--quite ready, my darling,--humbug--
Ring up, Mrs G., and let the favourite wake ’em.’

Uttering in a loud voice such of the latter allusions as were
complimentary to the unconscious phenomenon, and giving the
rest in a confidential ‘aside’ to Nicholas, Mr Folair followed the
ascent of the curtain with his eyes, regarded with a sneer the
reception of Miss Crummles as the Maiden, and, falling back a
step or two to advance with the better effect, uttered a preliminary
howl, and ‘went on’ chattering his teeth and brandishing his tin
tomahawk as the Indian Savage.

‘So these are some of the stories they invent about us, and
bandy from mouth to mouth!’ thought Nicholas. ‘If a man would
commit an inexpiable offence against any society, large or small,
let him be successful. They will forgive him any crime but that.’

‘You surely don’t mind what that malicious creature says, Mr
Johnson?’ observed Miss Snevellicci in her most winning tones.

‘Not I,’ replied Nicholas. ‘If I were going to remain here, I might
think it worth my while to embroil myself. As it is, let them talk till
they are hoarse. But here,’ added Nicholas, as Smike approached,
‘here comes the subject of a portion of their good-nature, so let he
and I say good night together.’

‘No, I will not let either of you say anything of the kind,’
returned Miss Snevellicci. ‘You must come home and see mama,

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