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‘What does Mr Johnson say, Vincent?’ inquired a voice close to
his ear; and, looking round, he found Mrs Crummles and Miss
Snevellicci herself standing behind him.

‘He has some objection, my dear,’ replied Mr Crummles,
looking at Nicholas.

‘Objection!’ exclaimed Mrs Crummles. ‘Can it be possible?’
‘Oh, I hope not!’ cried Miss Snevellicci. ‘You surely are not so
cruel--oh, dear me!--Well, I--to think of that now, after all one’s
looking forward to it!’

‘Mr Johnson will not persist, my dear,’ said Mrs Crummles.
‘Think better of him than to suppose it. Gallantry, humanity, all
the best feelings of his nature, must be enlisted in this interesting

‘Which moves even a manager,’ said Mr Crummles, smiling.
‘And a manager’s wife,’ added Mrs Crummles, in her
accustomed tragedy tones. ‘Come, come, you will relent, I know
you will.’

‘It is not in my nature,’ said Nicholas, moved by these appeals,
‘to resist any entreaty, unless it is to do something positively
wrong; and, beyond a feeling of pride, I know nothing which
should prevent my doing this. I know nobody here, and nobody
knows me. So be it then. I yield.’

Miss Snevellicci was at once overwhelmed with blushes and
expressions of gratitude, of which latter commodity neither Mr nor
Mrs Crummles was by any means sparing. It was arranged that
Nicholas should call upon her, at her lodgings, at eleven next
morning, and soon after they parted: he to return home to his
authorship: Miss Snevellicci to dress for the after-piece: and the
disinterested manager and his wife to discuss the probable gains

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