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with each other by secret words and signs as ‘Snooks,’ ‘Walker,’
‘Ferguson,’ ‘Is Murphy right?’ and many others. It was this
melancholy state of things that the Company proposed to correct;
firstly, by prohibiting, under heavy penalties, all private muffin
trading of every description; secondly, by themselves supplying
the public generally, and the poor at their own homes, with
muffins of first quality at reduced prices. It was with this object
that a bill had been introduced into Parliament by their patriotic
chairman Sir Matthew Pupker; it was this bill that they had met to
support; it was the supporters of this bill who would confer
undying brightness and splendour upon England, under the name
of the United Metropolitan Improved Hot Muffin and Crumpet
Baking and Punctual Delivery Company; he would add, with a
capital of Five Millions, in five hundred thousand shares of ten
pounds each.

Mr Ralph Nickleby seconded the resolution, and another
gentleman having moved that it be amended by the insertion of
the words ‘and crumpet’ after the word ‘muffin,’ whenever it
occurred, it was carried triumphantly. Only one man in the crowd
cried ‘No!’ and he was promptly taken into custody, and
straightway borne off.

The second resolution, which recognised the expediency of
immediately abolishing ‘all muffin (or crumpet) sellers, all traders
in muffins (or crumpets) of whatsoever description, whether male
or female, boys or men, ringing hand-bells or otherwise,’ was
moved by a grievous gentleman of semi-clerical appearance, who
went at once into such deep pathetics, that he knocked the first
speaker clean out of the course in no time. You might have heard a
pin fall--a pin! a feather--as he described the cruelties inflicted on

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