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‘Or bronze,’ said Ralph, quietly; ‘there is not hardihood enough
in flesh and blood to face it out.’

‘Oh dear, dear!’ cried Mrs Nickleby, ‘that things should have
come to such a pass as this!’

‘Who speaks in a tone, as if I had done wrong, and brought
disgrace on them?’ said Nicholas, looking round.

‘Your mother, sir,’ replied Ralph, motioning towards her.
‘Whose ears have been poisoned by you,’ said Nicholas; ‘by
you--who, under pretence of deserving the thanks she poured
upon you, heaped every insult, wrong, and indignity upon my
head. You, who sent me to a den where sordid cruelty, worthy of
yourself, runs wanton, and youthful misery stalks precocious;
where the lightness of childhood shrinks into the heaviness of age,
and its every promise blights, and withers as it grows. I call
Heaven to witness,’ said Nicholas, looking eagerly round, ‘that I
have seen all this, and that he knows it.’

‘Refute these calumnies,’ said Kate, ‘and be more patient, so
that you may give them no advantage. Tell us what you really did,
and show that they are untrue.’

‘Of what do they--or of what does he--accuse me?’ said

‘First, of attacking your master, and being within an ace of
qualifying yourself to be tried for murder,’ interposed Ralph. ‘I
speak plainly, young man, bluster as you will.’

‘I interfered,’ said Nicholas, ‘to save a miserable creature from
the vilest cruelty. In so doing, I inflicted such punishment upon a
wretch as he will not readily forget, though far less than he
deserved from me. If the same scene were renewed before me
now, I would take the same part; but I would strike harder and

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