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and Pluck stared at the individual whom Sir Mulberry Hawk
stared at; so, the poor colonel, to hide his confusion, was reduced
to the necessity of holding his port before his right eye and
affecting to scrutinise its colour with the most lively interest.

All this while, Kate had sat as silently as she could, scarcely
daring to raise her eyes, lest they should encounter the admiring
gaze of Lord Frederick Verisopht, or, what was still more
embarrassing, the bold looks of his friend Sir Mulberry. The latter
gentleman was obliging enough to direct general attention
towards her.

‘Here is Miss Nickleby,’ observed Sir Mulberry, ‘wondering why
the deuce somebody doesn’t make love to her.’

‘No, indeed,’ said Kate, looking hastily up, ‘I--’ and then she
stopped, feeling it would have been better to have said nothing at

‘I’ll hold any man fifty pounds,’ said Sir Mulberry, ‘that Miss
Nickleby can’t look in my face, and tell me she wasn’t thinking so.’

‘Done!’ cried the noble gull. ‘Within ten minutes.’
‘Done!’ responded Sir Mulberry. The money was produced on
both sides, and the Honourable Mr Snobb was elected to the
double office of stake-holder and time-keeper.

‘Pray,’ said Kate, in great confusion, while these preliminaries
were in course of completion. ‘Pray do not make me the subject of
any bets. Uncle, I cannot really--’

‘Why not, my dear?’ replied Ralph, in whose grating voice,
however, there was an unusual huskiness, as though he spoke
unwillingly, and would rather that the proposition had not been
broached. ‘It is done in a moment; there is nothing in it. If the
gentlemen insist on it--’

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